It is often said that driving is a privilege, not a right. That is why there are strict laws in place for anyone who operates a motor vehicle. Obtaining a driver’s license is a rite of passage for...
Year: 2020
What Actions Constitute Resisting Arrest in Illinois?
Reports of suspects resisting arrest and dying in police custody have dominated the news lately. Some people may think that resisting arrest involves a physical altercation or talking back to a...
How Does Registering as a Sex Offender Affect Professional Licensing?
Illinois takes criminal offenses seriously, and the state charges and prosecutes sexual offenses with stiff penalties. Just being accused of any type of sex crime can significantly impact a person’s...
What if My Child Is Suspended or Expelled from School in Illinois?
Children are known for being impulsive and not making the best choices sometimes. That is why rules are put in place at educational institutions. Students across the country are experiencing a...
What Are the Penalties for IDOT Overweight Violations?
The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) is a state agency in charge of public roadways that are maintained by the state of Illinois. In addition, IDOT provides funding for rail, public,...
Motorists May Not Lose Their Licenses for Unpaid Tolls Starting July 1
The Illinois Tollway is a user-fee system that does not receive state or federal funds to operate or maintain its roadways. I-PASS was implemented to avoid traffic delays by allowing motorists to...
What Is the Children’s Center in Illinois, and What Do They Do?
Illinois was one of the first states to establish child protection laws, mandating the reporting of child abuse and neglect, and it created one of the country’s first child abuse hotlines. The...
What Is the Role of a Mandated Reporter in Illinois Child Abuse Cases?
One of the main duties parents have is to protect their children from any harm or danger, such as abuse (physical, sexual, or emotional). This can also include neglect, which means not meeting a...
How Can I Defend Against DUI Charges Related to Cannabis in Illinois?
The state of Illinois passed several new laws that went into effect on January 1, 2020. One of these laws made it legal for Illinois citizens who are 21 or older to use recreational marijuana....
How Do Recent Changes to Illinois Laws Affect Traffic Violations?
Laws are put in place to provide for the overall safety of a community and ensure the rights of citizens are protected. These regulations exist at the local, state, and national levels. The state of...