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Truck Traffic Accident Ticket: Dismissed

DuPage County CDL Driver Defense Lawyer

One afternoon we received a call from one of our best business clients we do ongoing work for, the owner of a small trucking company. Due to bad weather conditions, one of their drivers slid through a red light and caused an accident with injuries. Logically, their driver was ticketed.

A motor vehicle accident is no laughing matter when you own a trucking company, no matter how minor the accident may seem. An accident with injuries where your driver is clearly at fault is definitely the type of thing that keeps you up at night. Knowing the potential implications to our client’s business, we advised our client that he should retain us to represent his driver in court for the ticket. Clients like this who do business with us month in and month out know one thing for sure – we are in it for the long haul. We do not recommend our services so that we can rack up a big bill; rather, we give good advice and counsel, period. In this case, it was definitely worth the small fee for a traffic matter to see if we could affect the outcome.

Due to the fact that Audrey Anderson knows the prosecution side of the law very well – and a series of fortunate events – she was able to get the driver’s case dismissed. The dismissal of that ticket did not completely mitigate the responsibility of the client’s insurance company to settle the claim, but if the claim had become escalated it would have helped their argument to avert significant civil liability to our client. Well worth a few hundred dollars for a small business owner.